Google Docs Instructions

So I gave you the option to download in Google Docs, and you're like what?

I'm here to save the day! Google Docs is an awesome free cloud based service provided by the one and only fabulous Google. You should really look into it if you haven't already. Like forreal.

What you will need...

  1. A free Google account!
  2. Yeah, that's it.


  1. Click on the download link I provided. It will pop open in a new tab or window.
  2. Click File -> Make a Copy
  3. You now have your own copy to edit within Google Docs. You can access your editable copy at any time by going to, or by just going to and clicking Drive at the top.
  4. Once you are done editing, I highly recommend downloading it in PDF. Do this by clicking File -> Download as -> PDF. This will ensure your formatting stays consistent.
  5. You can also download as a few other file extensions (including .doc) but I would recommend checking it for formatting issues.

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